Page 22 - Discover Israel Magazine - UK edition 2017
P. 22

Nightlife in Tel Aviv. Photo: Kfir Bolotin

Jaffa Flea Market. Photo: Guy Yechiely                                                          Rothschild Boulevard

Let’s move on to the Eternal City, where a     alongside contemporary art and some              much more. Outside the city walls, do not
glorious history is intertwined with modern    delectable delights. Visit the Western Wall      miss the Machane Yehuda Market, a culinary
and dynamic life. Jerusalem is home to         and go down its tunnels, follow in the           and anthropological experience in and of
innumerable fascinating historic sites,        footsteps of Jesus down the Via Dolorosa         itself. And we haven’t even mentioned the
magical alleyways, fragrant and colourful      and the 14 Stations of the Cross, and            Israel Museum, the Shrine of the Book or
souks (outdoor markets), holy shrines and      visit the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.          David's Tower. There is simply too much to
breathtaking views at sunset. No other place   Lose your way in quaint alleyways, with          see and do.
offers as many attractions and emotionally     numerous stalls offering a staggering variety
inspiring sites in a single square kilometre.  of souvenirs, clothing, foods and juices of all  So where else can you have fun in the sun,
In the Old City, you'll find archaeological    kinds, Armenian ceramics, drums and other        world-class culture scene, and a trip through
treasures that are thousands of years old,     musical instruments, earthenware jugs and        ages of human history as part of a once-in-
                                                                                                a-lifetime vacation? Only in Israel.

D I S C O V E R I S R A E L 22
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