Page 10 - Holyland Magazine - 2017 Edition
P. 10
those days the children of Israel did burn process of Christianization after 324, when Ovdat. Photo: Israel ministry of tourism's
incense to it: and he called it Nehushtan... Constantine the Great confirmed Christianity Flickr photostream
as the official religion of the Roman Empire.
Ancient Negev churches - This is one of the It was a very quick process. Within a few The water system in Tel Be'er Sheva.
most inspirational Christian heritage sites in years, the Roman and Nabataean temples in Photo: Ron Peled
Israel, where we find some of the world’s the cities of the Negev were taken down and,
oldest churches that have survived almost instead, opulent churches were built, inside Har Karkom is located logically on a path
fully intact. These are impressive churches of which thousands of new Christians, who that would have allowed the children of
that are 1,500 and even 1,600 years old, just joined their brothers, members of the Israel to leave Egypt for the Land of Israel,
which without a doubt are among the earliest Judeo-Christian communities in the Galilee as the space is filled with pastures and has
surviving Christian churches in the world. and Jerusalem, gathered. The entire Negev appropriate sources of water at a reasonable
was quickly transformed into a Christian distance. The mountain offers visitors a
The magnificent churches provide the expanse filled with churches, built between poignant desert experience, where they
opportunity for an emotional visit that the fourth and sixth centuries. Today, awe- can learn first-hand about life in the desert
reveals the early days of Christianity during inspiring churches remain intact in Avdat, during the migration of the children of Israel.
the Roman Empire. What is more moving, Shivta, Mamshit and Nitzana, and they bear By visiting Har Karkom, we can examine the
however, is that you can hold communion witness to the beginnings of Christianity in story of the exodus from Egypt from a unique
in any of these churches and experience the Roman-Nabataean Negev of the fourth perspective, not possible anywhere else.
the ancient ceremony, just as the ancient century. Due to the mountain's remote location in the
Christians, who were among the first heart of the desert and IDF fire area, the site
Christian communities established in the Har Karkom = the biblical Mount can only be visited on Saturdays or on the
Land of Israel. Sinai? holidays of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles),
Passover and Hanukkah.
In the fourth century, the Roman Empire Har Karkom in the mountainous western
quickly adopted Christianity. In the southern Negev rises 842 meters above sea level, For more information, visit Shahar Shilo's website:
part of the Land of Israel at the time, majestically hovering above the surrounding
there were several booming trade cities, area. This tremendous mountain truly stands The author is a historian who specializes in
the economies of which relied on the out throughout the desert and can even be Jerusalem and the desert.
Nabataean Incense Route. The Nabataeans seen from Edom, on the eastern bank of the
- a people skilled in trade, established a Jordan River. The mountain was thoroughly
huge commercial system in the heart of the excavated over the past 30 years by Italian
desert. When Christianity was just getting archaeologists who want to identify it as the
started, there were six Roman-Nabataean biblical Mount Sinai. Professor Emmanuel
cities in the Negev, the residents of which Anati - who excavated the site, deeply
lived off trade and successful agriculture, believes that Har Karkom is the famous biblical
which provided for thousands of traders mountain, at the foot of which the children of
and pilgrims. The Nabataean cities: Avdat, Israel became one people, and at whose peak
Mamshit, Haluza, Shivta, Nitzana and Moses received the Ten Commandments,
Rehovot in the Negev underwent a rapid which had an effect on morality, society and
religion throughout the world.
Rock engravings at Har Karkom.
Photo: Dr. Haim Berger, Negev Jeep The archaeological findings on the mountain
and its surroundings hint at its being a holy
site that was very important to anyone who
passed it. Tens of thousands of figures carved
in rock were found on the mountain, including
a collection of fascinating drawings with clear
biblical references. Around the mountain,
there is evidence of lengthy settlement that
can be seen in hundreds of archaeological
sites studying human settlement. Among
the sites is one that is unusually captivating
- the 12-stones altar, made of simple desert
stones placed intentionally at the foot of the
mountain (Exodus 24:4), and next to them
a simple desert altar that matches what
appears in the Bible about the construction
of altars (Exodus 20:22).