Page 12 - Holyland Magazine - 2017 Edition
P. 12
Church of the Holy Sepulchre
Why Christians Should Visit
Experience the birthplace of Christianity and foundation of our faith
Nick Mancino annually to Jerusalem recharges my pastoral controversy, though. The tomb has been
President Journeys Unlimited batteries.” dated by prominent Israeli archaeologist
Gabriel Barkay to the 8th-7th centuries
It was on my third visit to the Holy Land The 1974 group was a large one, made up BC. For some Christians, especially Roman
that I learned why Christians travel to of about 200 participants, including Rev. Catholics and other groups, the traditional
Jerusalem. In March 1974, I was asked Amburgy, his wife Mary Louise and me. Most site where they believe the death and
to escort Rev. Kash Amburgy from South of the participants were from his home state resurrection of Christ occurred has been,
Lebanon, Ohio to Israel. The Good of Ohio. Flying on El Al via London, our tour since the fourth century, the Church of the
Reverend was not only a preacher, but he started in the north where we visited all of Holy Sepulchre.
was also an entrepreneur who had built over the sites pertaining to Jesus’ ministry in the
350 homes. He owned a furniture business Galilee. By the fifth day, we were in Jerusalem Our group was at the Garden Tomb, and
(Kash's Big Bargain Barn), was a radio and visiting the Garden Tomb. Our guide since we were such a large group, we were
evangelist, and had led over 100 tours to the explained that the Garden Tomb is a rock- able to secure the site for a private worship
Holy Land as well. His motto for the furniture cut tomb that was unearthed in 1867 and service. First the guide gave us the tour,
business was, “Save cash with Kash.” He is considered by some Christians to be the and then the communion service began.
opened his radio broadcasts saying, “This is site of the burial and resurrection of Jesus. During Rev. Amburgy’s sermon, some of the
Reverend Amburgy, your country preacher, The Garden Tomb is adjacent to a rocky passengers started speaking in tongues.
and we are here to praise Jesus.” Mr. escarpment which in the mid-nineteenth Others joined in, until the sound level grew
Raymond Masillo, our senior vice president, century was proposed by some scholars louder and louder. Everyone seemed to feel
worked with Rev. Amburgy on his annual to be Golgotha. The site is not without the spirit except General White, the person in
pilgrimages that averaged between 40 and
250 passengers until he passed away in
2005. To quote Rev. Amburgy, “Traveling