Page 42 - Holyland Magazine - 2010 Edition
P. 42

come to a Byzantine house, a Roman            since after the year 427 CE, crosses were   Of all the sights you’ll see on such a tour, it is
burial cave and a finely appointed            prohibited as floor decorations.            in Mamshit where you may find the day’s best
bathhouse, attesting to the inhabitants’                                                  lesson. Its western church is known as the
high standard of living.                      You can explore the churches of Avdat       Nilus church, due to an inscription that
                                              and Mamshit (and even continue to Shivta    archaeologists found in the floor near the altar.
Southeast of Avdat are the ruins of the       in the southwest, toward the Egyptian       It reads: “God, save your servant Nilus, lover
city of Mamshit, which also contains two      border and the biblical land of Kadesh      of Jesus, who founded this building, and protect
churches. Like those at Avdat, these were     Barnea) on a long day-trip from Jerusalem.  his household.” This place contains a simple
basilica churches – expansive halls bisected  This is also a great time to learn about    Christian prayer, the format of which has not
by two rows of columns. Mamshit’s             early Christian history and to open up the  changed since it was inscribed some 1,500
churches contain some of the finest           Old Testament, visiting ancient Tel Be’er   years ago. It is a perfect place to consider,
Christian mosaic work in the country. In      Sheva (see page 24), founded by Abraham     together with your fellow pilgrims, the long
the ruins of the large eastern church, a      (Gen. 21:31), which became the southern     road Christianity has traveled, bringing you
mosaic cross was found in the floor, which    extreme of King Solomon’s kingdom           back to the land where it all started.
indicates the antiquity of the structure,     (1 Kings 4:25).

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