Page 46 - Holyland Magazine - 2010 Edition
P. 46

An array of unusual salt formations (main photo
                                         and inset) can be found along the shores of the
                                         Dead Sea. Photos: Ziv Sherzer

 The Dead Sea region boasts              The lowest place on Earth offers an
                                         abundance of attractions that simply
a rare combination of fascinating        can’t be found anywhere else in the
natural and historical sites, together   world. Natural marvels, historic and
with unique healing and spa centers.     archaeological sites, nature reserves
The lowest place on Earth (1,240         and breathtaking scenery – all of
feet below sea level), the Dead Sea      these are presented in a way unique
is a remnant of the ancient Lake         to this particular magical spot. And
Lisan, which once covered the entire     this makes the Dead Sea a serious
Jordan Basin from the Sea of Galilee     contender in the New 7 Wonders of
in the north to the central Arava        Nature campaign.
desert in the south.
                                                                                       By Ofra Gazit
The extremely high salinity of the
Dead Sea’s water allows bathers to       DEAD SEA
float naturally and effortlessly,
creating a feeling of relaxation and        living wonder
serenity. The dry air is exceptionally
rich in oxygen and virtually pollution-
free, and even the winter months
are relatively warm. And you can
sunbathe without worrying about
getting sunburned, because the sun’s
ultraviolet rays undergo a natural
filtering process, a benefit that is
exploited to provide treatment for
various skin conditions.

All along the Dead Sea shore, you
can find places with natural healing
waters, mineral baths and natural
hot springs, which together with the
famous black mud packs, form the
ideal basis for health and beauty
treatments. And the stunning scenery
offers a unique combination of
pristine desert landscapes and fertile
oases, some with waterfalls and all
supporting an unusual array of
vegetation and rare wildlife.


While you are staying at one of the
Dead Sea hotels, it’s highly
recommended to tour the
surrounding area – desert canyons,
pristine desert and notable historical

46 “…this water flows there and makes the salt water fresh; so where the river flows everything will live” (Ezekiel 47:9)
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