Page 47 - Holyland Magazine - 2010 Edition
P. 47
sites. These include Kasr al Yahud, the spot GET ACQUAINTED WITH THE DESERT art galleries, the Fata Morgana restaurant,
where Christian tradition places the baptism Pnina Toledano’s coffee shop, Yossi’s Place,
of Jesus by John the Baptist (see page 20 This suggested itinerary covers a little more Secrets from Mama’s Kitchen restaurant,
for more details) and Qumran, the ruins of than 35 miles of well-marked asphalt roads caravansary-style accommodations and
an ancient settlement in whose nearby and will take about four to six hours. The lovely bed-and-breakfasts.
caves the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered. best time of the year is from October
The writings in these scrolls share some through May. For the sections that take Important note: Before leaving for your
common ground with the teachings of Jesus place in agricultural settlements, advance trip, it’s worthwhile to stop by the
as related in the New Testament. coordination and accompaniment by Information Center at Ein Bokek (Phone:
residents are required. 08-997-5010) or visit the website
Other must-see attractions in the area
include Masada, Jericho, Ein Gedi, the The trip begins as you travel south from
Roman fortresses and the monasteries in the Neveh Zohar junction. To the east are So far, we have told you about only a fraction
the Judean Desert. And every tour can end the evaporation ponds of the Dead Sea of the exciting possibilities for enjoyment,
up with a refreshing dip in one of the many and to the west you will see the Judean relaxation, healing and hospitality that await
freshwater springs found in the area. Hills and Mount Sodom. After about a you in the Dead Sea region. This unique
quarter of a mile, turn westward to the array, which can be found only at the Dead
The Dead Sea shore is dotted with well- clay reservoir and continue climbing. Sea, makes it a serious contender for the
equipped bathing beaches that are close During the winter and spring, visitors are title of New 7 Wonders of Nature. To cast
to fascinating nature reserves. Fifteen hotels likely to see that the reservoir is full of your vote for the Dead Sea, go to
offer more than 4,000 rooms in various water and crowded with a large array of
classes, and excellent bed-and-breakfast colorful birds (binoculars will add immensely
accommodations are available for country- to the experience). Health from Nature
style vacations.
Continue driving southward on Highway The tiny universe with its microclimate and minerals
A wide choice of adventures awaits you in 90 and after about 2.5 miles, you will pass that is called the Dead Sea is a world center for
the Dead Sea area, from desert hikes to a big pile of rocks. Keep driving for another natural health tourism. The Dead Sea is not only
exciting tours in specially equipped off-road 2.5 miles and you will arrive at the site the world’s largest natural spa, but also a world
vehicles and donkey carts – not to mention called Lot’s Wife, where you can get out center providing healing and relief to people
Bedouin hospitality and camel rides. of the car and gaze upon the rock that suffering from a wide range of illnesses. Each one
resembles the woman who turned to look of the several large clinics operating in the area
back at the destruction of Sodom and specializes in a different area of expertise, and
Gomorrah. You can also pick up small medical supervision by recognized experts in a
chunks of salt from the salt works to take range of specialties is available all year round. At
along as souvenirs. the Dead Sea Medical Center and at the various
clinics, research studies and scientific data are
After driving southward for just over a mile, evidence of the area’s natural virtues and
you will see on the right the Historic treatments. Medical supervision is always provided
Workers’ Camp at Sodom, which is before commencing treatment.
currently undergoing renovation and
preservation. You can stop and take a look One of the unique advantages of the Dead Sea
at the wooden pier that extends into the is its lively medical tourism scene that takes place
water. Driving another 1.8 miles will bring in its many hotels and medical facilities. Alongside
you to Nahal Perazim, a dry riverbed the excellent outpatient care, patients are enveloped
with a wonderful display of colorful layers in a festive international atmosphere and can fully
of soil deposited by thousands of years of enjoy their treatments, as well as pleasurable
erosion. experiences at the area’s many historical sites and
natural wonders.
Then it’s time for a rest and a bite to eat
at Moshav Neot Hakikar, which boasts